Script of the Ivip TV and Radio Ad

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Are your routers in a rut?

Your Internet actin ornery?

Havin' aggravation with your route aggregation?

Help is at hand . . .

Squirglinax Consolidated Industries proudly presents:

                 >>>> Ivip <<<<

    Vastly Improved Plumbing for Your Internet!

Internets have only so many places packets can flow to.
That's  OK 'ceptin' that packets flowin' to each place
gotta have contiguous destination addresses - and BGP
routers can't split up IPv4 addresses finer than 256 at
a time.

The kicker is: no Earthly router can handle more than a
few hundred k splitins.

Now your end-users are frolicin' an' multiplyin' like
rabbits -
an' each one of the little varmints expects
his or her packets to flow directly to wherever he or
she's holed up for the night.

Ivip's micro-fine tunnelin' structure lets your routers
carry on like their handlin' an original 1950s model
Internet - not too many destinations, nice aggregated
addresses . . . an' not too many splitins. 

You know, the Good Old Days.

Ivip's hundreds of thousands of ITRs (Ingress Tunnelin'
Routers) inside or outside pro-vider and end-user
networks catch all the packets goin' to your
Ivip-mapped end-users and tunnel them along highly
op-timal paths to whatever ETR (Egress Tunnel Router)
each end-user reckons is nearest their rabbit hole.

Open ITRs in the DFZ (OITRDs) catch and tunnel the
packets comin' from hosts in networks which ain't got
their own ITRs yet.

To reduce the load on these ITRs, Ivip's free optional
ITFH* (Ingress Tunnelin' Function in Host) can do the
tunnelin' of packets before they leave the sendin' host.

The tunnelin' of ITRs (and ITFHs*) can be different for
every IP address or prefix of any size.  They're all
dancin' to the tune of a centra-lized database - using
"push" or "query and cache (pull) and notify" tech-niques
that change their tunnelin' ways within a few seconds
of yer end-users changin' their doggone minds.

Ivip provides IP address porta-bility an' multi-homing.
End-users inclined towards traffic engin-eerin' can
fiddle with the mappin' to their hearts' content.

Ivip's ITRs (an' ITFHs*) also beam packets from
corre-spondent hosts all over the planet, along highly
opt-imal paths, to whichever nearby TTR (Translatin'
Tunnelin' Router) is currently chosen by each of yer
free-wheelin' mobile-IP end-user varmints!

Ivip's micro-fine tunnels handle single IPv4 addresses
and /64s for IPv6.

Just as easily for a lone address, a prefix of any size,
or any ol' patch of address space ya care to stake out.

All without botherin' yer BGP routers, or messin' with
addresses which ain't assigned to the Ivip system.

     A little or a lot,
     It's always enjoyable.
     So Ivip's gonna be
     Incrementally Deployable! #

     Don't be drip, Man . . .
     Take the trip.
     Host to host, Man - 
     Coast to coast:

     Get hip to Ivip!

(Clears bathtubs and sinks too.)

* ITFH inapplicable behind NAT.

# See RRG discussion.
