//  UGRW1.H 

//  Unit generators by Robin Whittle        6 January 1996
//  Header file containing data structures for UGRW1.C.
                                    // TABLEW data structure used by all the
                                    // tablew subroutines.
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;

                                    // Seven pointers to input arguments. 
                                    // xsig     Input value to write to table.
                                    // xndx     Index into the table
                                    //          where we want to write.
                                    // xfn      Number of table we are
                                    //          writing to.
                                    // ixmode   Index mode (optional parm).
                                    //          0 --> Use raw xfn and ixoff.
                                    //          1 --> Use these with a range of
                                    //                0 to 1 for the entire 
                                    //                range of the table.
                                    // ixoff    Offset (optional parm). 
                                    //          Fixed value to add to ndx.
                                    // iwgmode  Wrap and guard point mode 
                                    //          (optional parm).
                                    //          0 --> Limit mode. 
                                    //                Limit indx to between 0   
                                    //                and length of table.            
                                    //          1 --> Wrap mode.
                                    //                Index wraps around modulo
                                    //                length.
                                    //          2 --> Guardpoint mode.
                                    //                Write with 0.5 step 
                                    //                offset, and write both
                                    //                location 0 and the 
                                    //                guardpoint with the 
                                    //                same data.
    float   *xsig, *xndx, *xfn;

    float   *ixmode, *ixoff, *iwgmode;

                                    // Internal variable for previous state
                                    // of xfn.
    long    pfn;

                                    // Internal variable for what to multiply 
                                    // the ndx and ixoff by. Set to 1 or table 
                                    // length by tblwset() depending on ixmode.
    long    xbmul;

                                    // Internal variable for iwrap and igmode.
    long    iwgm;

                                    // Internal variable for offset.
    float   offset;
                                    // Pointer to data structure used to access 
                                    // function table. See CS.H.  
                                    // tblwset() writes this, based on the value 
                                    // of xfn.
    FUNC    *ftp;

                                    // TABLENG data structure used by function
                                    // tableng to return the length of the table.
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointer to arguments. 
                                    // kout     Output pointer.
                                    // xfn      Points to input parameter -
                                    //          the number of the table.

    float   *kout, *xfn;

                                    // TABLEGPW data structure used by function
                                    // tablegpw to write the guard point of a 
                                    // specified table.
                                    // No output arguments.
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointer to input argument. 
                                    // xfn      Points to number of table.
    float   *xfn;


                                    // TABLEMIX data structure used by function
                                    // tablemix.
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointer to nine input arguments. 
                                    // See doco in ugrw2.c - too many to list   
                                    // here.

    float   *dft, *doff, *len, *s1ft, *s1off, *s1g, *s2ft, *s2off, *s2g;

                                    // Storage to remember what the table numbers
                                    // were from a previous k cycle, and to 
                                    // store pointers to their FUNC data 
                                    // structures.
                                    // Ints:
                                    // pdft         Previous destination and
                                    // ps1ft ps2ft  source function table numbers.
                                    // Pointers to FUNC data structures:
                                    // funcd         Destination.
                                    // funcs1 funcs2 Source.    

    int pdft, ps1ft, ps2ft;

    FUNC    *funcd, *funcs1, *funcs2;


                                    // TABLECOPY data structure used by function
                                    // tablecopy.
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointers to two input arguments. 
                                    // dft  Destination function table number.
                                    // sft  Source function table number.

    float   *dft, *sft;

                                    // Storage to remember what the table numbers
                                    // were from a previous k cycle, and to 
                                    // store pointers to their FUNC data 
                                    // structures.
                                    // Ints:
                                    // pdft     Previous destination and
                                    // psft     source function table numbers.
                                    // Pointers to FUNC data structures:
                                    // funcd    Destination.
                                    // funcs    Source. 

    int pdft, psft;

    FUNC    *funcd, *funcs;


                                    // TABLERA data structure used by tablera
                                    // subroutine.
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointer to output argument:
                                    // adest    A rate destination for the 
                                    //          ksmps floats read from the  
                                    //          table.
                                    // Pointers to input arguments. 
                                    // kfn      Number of table we are
                                    //          reading from.
                                    // kstart   Index mode within table from
                                    //          which we start reading.
                                    // koff     Offset to add to table 
                                    //          index.

    float   *adest, *kfn, *kstart, *koff;

                                    // Internal variable for previous state
                                    // of xfn.
    long    pfn;
                                    // Pointer to data structure used to access 
                                    // function table. See CS.H.  

    FUNC    *ftp;


                                    // TABLEWA data structure used by tablewa
                                    // subroutine.
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointer to output argument:
                                    // kstart   Index mode within table from
                                    //          which we start reading.
                                    //          Note this is also an input
                                    //          argument.  First we read it
                                    //          to determine where we should
                                    //          start writing the a rate
                                    //          samples. When we have finished
                                    //          we write to it the number of
                                    //          the next location which should
                                    //          be written.
                                    // Pointers to input arguments. 
                                    // kfn      Number of table we are
                                    //          reading from.
                                    // asig     a rate input signal.
                                    // koff     Offset to add to table 
                                    //          index.

    float   *kstart, *kfn, *asig, *koff;

                                    // Internal variable for previous state
                                    // of xfn.
    long    pfn;
                                    // Pointer to data structure used to access 
                                    // function table. See CS.H.  

    FUNC    *ftp;



                                    // Data structures for the zak family of 
                                    // ugens for patching data at i, k or a rates.
                                    // See also four global variables declared in
                                    // the C code.

                                    // ZAKINIT data structure for zakinit().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Two pointers to input arguments. 
                                    // isizea   Number of a locations, each an
                                    //          array of ksmps long, to 
                                    //          to reserve for a rate patching.
                                    // isizek   Number of locations for i or k
                                    //          rate variables.

    float   *isizea, *isizek;


                                    // ZKR data structure for zir() and zkr().
typedef struct {
                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.

    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointers to floats. 
                                    // rslt     Where to write the value which
                                    //          we read from the zk location.
                                    // ndx      Input argument: 
                                    //          Location in zk space to read.

    float   *rslt, *ndx;

} ZKR;

                                    // ZKW data structure for ziw() and zkw().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Two pointers to float input arguments. 
                                    // sig      Value to write.
                                    // ndx      Locations to read.

    float   *sig, *ndx;

} ZKW;

                                    // ZKWM data structure for ziwm() and zkwm().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Three pointers to float input arguments. 
                                    // sig      Value to write.
                                    // ndx      Locations to read.
                                    // mix      0 for write directly,
                                    //          !0 for mix - add to the 
                                    //          current value in the variable.

    float   *sig, *ndx, *mix;


                                    // ZKMOD data structure for zkmod().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;

                                    // Pointers to floats:
                                    // rslt     Points to where to write
                                    //          output.  
                                    // Two pointers to float input arguments. 
                                    // sig      Value to modulate.
                                    // zkmod    Which zk variable to use
                                    //          to modulate sig.

    float   *rslt, *sig, *zkmod;


                                    // ZKCL data structure for zkcl().
typedef struct {
                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.

    OPDS    h;
                                    // Two pointers to float input arguments. 
                                    // first    First variable to clear.
                                    // last     Final variable to clear.

    float   *first, *last;


                                    // ZAR data structure for zar().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointers to floats. 
                                    // rslt     Where to write the value which
                                    //          we read from the zk location.
                                    // ndx      Input argument: 
                                    //          Location in za space to read.
                                    //          These both point to arrays
                                    //          of a rate variables - arrays
                                    //          ksmps long.

    float   *rslt, *ndx;

} ZAR;

                                    // ZARG data structure for zarg().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointers to floats. 
                                    // rslt     Where to write the value which
                                    //          we read from the zk location.
                                    // ndx      Input argument: 
                                    //          Location in za space to read.
                                    //          These both point to arrays
                                    //          of a rate variables - arrays
                                    //          ksmps long.
                                    // kgain    What to multiply the a rate 
                                    //          signal by as we read it.

    float   *rslt, *ndx, *kgain;


                                    // ZAW data structure for zaw().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;

                                    // Two pointers to float input arguments. 
                                    // sig      Value to write.
                                    // ndx      Locations to read.
                                    //          These both point to arrays
                                    //          of a rate variables - arrays
                                    //          ksmps long.

    float   *sig, *ndx;

} ZAW;

                                    // ZAWM data structure for zawm().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Two pointers to float input arguments. 
                                    // sig      Value to write.
                                    // ndx      Locations to read.
                                    //          These both point to arrays
                                    //          of a rate variables - arrays
                                    //          ksmps long.
                                    // mix      0 for write directly,
                                    //          !0 for mix - add to the 
                                    //          current values in the variable.

    float   *sig, *ndx, *mix;


                                    // ZAWOD data structure for zamod().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;

                                    // Pointers to floats:
                                    // rslt     Points to where to write
                                    //          output.  
                                    // Two pointers to float input arguments. 
                                    // sig      Value to modulate.
                                    // zamod    Which za variable to use
                                    //          to modulate sig.

    float   *rslt, *sig, *zamod;


                                    // ZACL data structure for zacl().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Two pointers to float input arguments. 
                                    // first    First variable to clear.
                                    // last     Final variable to clear.

    float   *first, *last;


                                    // RDTIME data structure for timek(), times(),
                                    // instimset(), instimek() and instimes().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;

                                    // Only one I/O variable - a pointer to 
                                    // where to put the result.
    float   *rslt;

                                    // One local variables for the instime srs.
                                    // instartk Int to remember what the 
                                    //          k counter was when this 
                                    //          instance of the instrument
                                    //          was initialised.        

    long    instartk;


                                    // PRINTK data structure for printk() and 
                                    // printkset().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;

                                    // No output variables.
                                    // Three input variables:
                                    // ptime    How much time to 
                                    //          leave between each
                                    //          print - we generally do
                                    //          not want it printing on 
                                    //          every k cycle, but make it
                                    //          0 if we do. 
                                    //          Time is in seconds, referenced
                                    //          to the absolute time and 
                                    //          starting on the k cycle when 
                                    //          this ugen is initialised.
                                    // val      Value to print.
                                    // space    Spaces to insert before 
                                    //          printing it so that it is 
                                    //          easier to see variables
                                    //          from different kprint
                                    //          instances when looking
                                    //          at the screen.
    float   *ptime, *val, *space;

                                    // Local variables:
                                    // initime  Time when this instance was
                                    //          initialised.
                                    // ctime    Cycle time - positive copy of
                                    //          *ptime above.   

    float   initime, ctime;

                                    // pspace   How many spaces to print before
                                    //          the value.
                                    // cysofar  Number of print cycles so far 
                                    //          - where the first one is 0.

    long    pspace, cysofar;


                                    // PRINTKS data structure for printks() and 
                                    // printksset().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;

                                    // No output variables.
                                    // Pointers to four input variables:
                                    // ifilcod  Contains magic number
                                    //          sstrcod = SSTRCOD = 0xFFFFFF
                                    //          if a string is in quotes for
                                    //          the first parameter.  
                                    //          The string itself is pointed
                                    //          to by something more abstruse
                                    //          see printks().
                                    // ptime    How much time to 
                                    //          leave between each
                                    //          print - see notes for PRINTK
                                    // kval1-4  K rate values to print.
    float   *ifilcod, *ptime, *kval1, *kval2, *kval3, *kval4;

                                    // Local variables:
                                    // initime  Time when this instance was
                                    //          initialised.
                                    // ctime    Cycle time - positive copy of
                                    //          *ptime above.   

    float   initime, ctime;

                                    // cysofar  Number of print cycles so far 
                                    //          - where the first one is 0.

    long    cysofar;

                                    // txtsting[]   Place to store the string
                                    //              which will be printed.
                                    //              printks() writes this.
                                    //              Make it nice and long!  
    char    txtstring[260]; 



                                    // PEAK data structure for peakk() and peaka().
typedef struct {

                                    // Opcode data structure - see CS.H.
    OPDS    h;
                                    // Pointer to the output variable.

    float   *kpeakout;

                                    // Pointer to k or a rate input variable.

    float   *xsigin;
                                    // Pointer to k rate input variable which, 
                                    // if set to no zero, causes the ugen to 
                                    // clear the accumulator.